Wednesday, May 25, 2011

25/05/2011: 340 kilo

So happy that I arrived at another big city, Piacenza!

The first time when I heard of this city is from the football match, long time ago. Piacenza has a team playing in the Italy Serie A. Yes, a little internet research confirmed me that Piacenza played in the Serie A for the 1997/1998 and 2001/2002 season, when I had a lot of fun watching the football matches.
More information can be found in the Piacenza Club Wiki.

However, I knew little about the city itself. So here is some first study. This city of Piacenza is the capital city of the province of Piacenza.  Due to its special geographical position, it's an important place to control during the war so it has been heavily bombed during the WWII; and during the peace time, it's a culture center. It has a long history, so there are many interesting sites to visit. Here below is a very nice picture of the Piazza Cavalli and the façade of il Gotico, I found it on the Piacenza Wiki page.

It's also famous for its seasoned and salted pork products: Pancetta, Capicola and Salami. I must try to see if I can find one or two of them here in France.  :D

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